The promisses of ‘Em Guarda’ magazine for Brazil during the postwar period (1941 – 1945)




Political history, Second world war, Em Guarda magazine, Projections, Neighborhood policy


When we face the historiography of the neighborhood policy, marked by the relationship between the United States and the rest of the Americas during the Second World War, usually we may be confronted with studies that seek to understand how this country stepped into cultural borders of these nations in order to establish political and economic agreements. In this article, we seek to show, how a probable future of Brazil was presented by the American press at that time, whose main source of analysis was ‘Em Guarda’ Magazine (American publishing distributed in the Americas). It is through this magazine that we realize some of these aspirations and projections of Brazil which seemed to follow a natural path to the economic progress. At the same time it was tried to strengthen diplomatic ties, it was not possible to omit all the historical record of prejudice and the minimization of Latin-Americans, ensuring Brazil an inferior position in the discourse of the mentioned magazine.


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Author Biography

Aline Vanessa Locastre, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Master and specialist in Social History from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Doctoral student in History at the Universidade Federal do Paraná.


Em Guarda: para a defesa das americas, New York, 1941-1942, Ano 1, n. 10, n. 12

Em Guarda: para a defesa das americas, New York, 1943, Ano 2, n. 1, n. 6, n.7

Em Guarda: para a defesa das americas, New York, 1944, Ano 3, n. 1, n. 2, n.5, n.6, n.7, n.8, n. 9, n. 11, n. 12

Em Guarda: para a defesa das americas, New York, 1945, Ano 4, n. 1, n.3, n. 5, n. 6

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How to Cite

LOCASTRE, Aline Vanessa. The promisses of ‘Em Guarda’ magazine for Brazil during the postwar period (1941 – 1945). Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 15, p. 488–519, 2015. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2015v8n15p488. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.