Hemodialysis indications and associated factors among patients with acute kidney injury
Hemodialysis indications among patients with acute kidney injury
Lesão renal aguda, Hemodiálise, EpidemiologiaAbstract
Objective: Investigate the indications for hemodialysis and associated factors among patients with acute kidney injury. Method: This is a cross-sectional study using medical records analysis of patients with acute kidney injury undergoing hemodialysis at a large university hospital in southern Brazil from January 2017 to January 2018. Results: The nephrology service treated 335 patients with acute kidney injury, among whom 160 underwent hemodialysis treatment. The patients were predominantly male (58.8%), aged 60 years or older (60.8%), and in critical condition (73.1%). Most acute kidney injuries were categorized as renal (80%). Uremia was the main indication for hemodialysis (44.4%), followed by hyperkalemia (20.0%), oliguria (13.8%), and volemic control (13.1%). Conclusion: The main results were predominantly male, elderly, in critical condition, and with acute kidney injury of renal origin. Most patients died.
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