Creation of tourism experiences in rural environments

analysis of typologies and their relevance


  • Ana Moreno-Lobato Universidad de Extremadura
  • Bárbara Sofía Pasaco-González Universidad de Extremadura
  • José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón Universidad de Extremadura
  • Elena Sánchez-Vargas Universidad de Extremadura



Destination management, tourist typologies, tourism marketing


Destination management aims to create real cohesion and coexistence between the use of resources, in such a way that tourism represents a sustainable economic activity in the territory. In rural areas, the development of tourism experiences boosts the dynamisation of the economies of primary and secondary sectors, as is the case in Extremadura (Spain). By means of a case analysis, identifying and characterising the tourism experiences developed in this region, the main objective is to analyse the development of different types of tourism experiences in order to evaluate their capacity and effectiveness in terms of dynamisation in a rural environment. The results show a tendency towards specialisation in tourism sub-typologies that help to develop resources, the immersion of tourists and benefits for the local population, with a commitment to the creation of tourism experiences closely linked to tradition, society or local activity.

Author Biographies

Ana Moreno-Lobato, Universidad de Extremadura

Business Management and Sociology Department, Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura.

Bárbara Sofía Pasaco-González, Universidad de Extremadura

Business Management and Sociology Department, Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura.

José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón, Universidad de Extremadura

Business Management and Sociology Department, Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura.

Elena Sánchez-Vargas, Universidad de Extremadura

Business Management and Sociology Department, Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Lobato, A., Pasaco-González, B. S., Hernández-Mogollón, J. M., & Sánchez-Vargas, E. (2022). Creation of tourism experiences in rural environments: analysis of typologies and their relevance. Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 8(1), 21–37.


