Economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on families in the municipality of Nova Andradina (MS)
Economy , Job , IncomeAbstract
The research sought to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic changed the consumption relationships of items considered for survival in families residing in the municipality of Nova Andradina (MS). The economic crisis is understood as a situation in which the economy of a country experiences a sudden drop in its aggregate production or real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The result of the economic crisis is a decline in people's real per capita income and an increase in unemployment and poverty. The research used qualitative research as a method, through a semi-structured questionnaire, applied to families in the municipality of Nova Andradina (MS) with an income of up to two minimum wages. The Covid-19 pandemic and related restrictions on economic activity resulted in a sharp decline in external and internal demand for goods. The research pointed out that the researched families were and/or are being affected regarding the consumption of essential goods for survival. Even with the advancement of vaccination and the significant drop in deaths, new consumption practices were adopted by families to overcome the drop in income.
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