The socialization process in the Kaingáng


  • Magali Cecili Surjus Pereira Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Socialization, Social Development, Indian Children, "Kaingéng"group.


The socialization of children of the Indian Group "Kaingáng" was investigated to find elements which aro present in this psychological process. The group "Kaingáng" is submitted to complex relationships of cultural change in the "Posto Indígena Apucaraninha" and they translate the conditions in which the development of these children happen. Approximately fifty people (including adults and children) participated in this research. The data were obtained from interviews, observations and document consultation. Through them, it was possible to understand different aspects of the activities developed by this group. It was evident that the process in which a child becomes a member of the "Kaingáng'' group occurs without anonymity and disruptions. The Ufo of the "Kaingáng" boys and girls is inserted into previously defined psychosocial paths that limit their development Besides this, a reflection on the role of the school is made taking into consideration a specific political proposal for a Indigenous Education. This proposa! will consider the constitution of individual capable to determine their own lives as well as their group experience. The educational thesis of George H. Moad is highlighted as it postulates the relation between plays and the games and education. The role of these activities is strengthened as a generating condition of individual psychological development.



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Author Biography

Magali Cecili Surjus Pereira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Departamento de Psicologia Social e Institucional. Integrante do Grupo de Trabalho “Mig”.



How to Cite

Pereira MCS. The socialization process in the Kaingáng. Semin. Cienc. Biol. Saude [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];17(2):170-7. Available from:


