Social vulnerability of the older population using Primary Health Care in a municipality of Rio Grande do Sul
Aging, Quality of life, Health of the elderlyAbstract
Ageing population, a reality in Brazil, is a physiological process accompanied by several factors that can increase the vulnerability of this population. The objective of the present study was to characterize a sample of older population users of the urban network of Primary Health Care regarding sociodemographic factors, health aspects and lifestyle habits, associated with the prevalence of social vulnerability, in accordance with predictor’s variables. Data were collected through questionnaire application and later typed, validated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. We interviewed 403 elderly, with a majority composed of females, aged 60-69 years, white, who have a partner, attended elementary school, who practice physical activity, do not smoke or drink, do not perform paid activity, with per capita monthly income less than or equal to 1 minimum wage, who live with 2 people and who have 3 or more chronic non-communicable diseases. The prevalence of social vulnerability, given by the absence of spouse, low schooling and low income, was 51% and varied according to gender (56.7% in women; p=0.01), but did not vary according to age (p=0.30) and skin color (p=0.07). The greater social vulnerability in the old women is due to greater longevity, often associated with the absence of a partner, as well as historical educational, with low educational level, and income disadvantages, as lower income, compared to men.
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