Epidemiological survey of gastrointestinal infections by gastrointestinal nematodes and coccidia in cattle in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil




Palabras clave:

Cattle, Frequency, Parasitic infections, Semiarid.


The aim of the present study was to carry out an epidemiological survey on gastrointestinal infections by nematodes and coccidia in cattle herds in the semiarid region of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. A total of 832 cattle were sampled, of both sexes and different ages, on 21 farms in 21 municipalities in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. Fecal samples were collected individually to perform eggs per gram (EPG) and oocysts per gram (OoPG) counts in feces, and to perform fecal cultures. To assess factors associated with nematode and coccidia infections, epidemiological survey forms were applied to the farmers. The total frequency of infections by nematodes was 59.6% (496/832) and it was 36.9% (307/832) for coccidia. The levels of infection by nematodes and coccidia were most frequently low (EPG < 300; OoPG < 1,000), in 72.4% (359/496) and 75.2% (231/307), respectively. The most frequent nematode genera was Haemonchus spp. (78.8%). The risk factors for nematode infections in cattle were beef production trait (odds ratio = 2.99) and extensive rearing system (odds ratio = 3.8); the factors for coccidia were age ≤ 12 months (odds ratio = 2.9) and body score between 1 and 2 (odds ratio = 5.2). These results prove that there are high frequencies of gastrointestinal infections by nematodes and coccidia in cattle herds in the semiarid region of Paraíba, with predominantly low levels of infection. However, given the importance of subclinical infections, adjustments to sanitary management measures can contribute to reduction of parasite indices and better performance among the animals, thus generating greater profitability for farmers.

Biografía del autor/a

Lídio Ricardo Bezerra Melo, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Doctorate  Student  of  the  Post-Graduate  Program  in  Science and Animal Health, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Patos, PB, Brazil.

Luana Carneiro Sousa, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Veterinary Medicine Student, Instituto Federal da Paraíba, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil.

Clarisse Silva Menezes Oliveira, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Veterinary Medicine Student, Instituto Federal da Paraíba, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil.

Brendo Andrade Lima, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Veterinary Medicine Student, Instituto Federal da Paraíba, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil.

Ana Luzia Peixoto Silva, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Veterinary Medicine Student, Instituto Federal da Paraíba, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil.

Estefany Ferreira Lima, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Veterinary Medicine Student, Instituto Federal da Paraíba, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil.

Thais Ferreira Feitosa, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Profa Dra, Department of Veterinary Medicine, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil.

Vinícius Longo Ribeiro Vilela, Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Prof. Dr., Department of Veterinary Medicine, IFPB, Sousa, PB, Brazil. Prof. of the Post-Graduate Program in Science and Animal Health, UFCG, Patos, PB, Brazil.


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Cómo citar

Melo, L. R. B., Sousa, L. C., Oliveira, C. S. M., Lima, B. A., Silva, A. L. P., Lima, E. F., … Vilela, V. L. R. (2023). Epidemiological survey of gastrointestinal infections by gastrointestinal nematodes and coccidia in cattle in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 44(1), 257–272. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2023v44n1p257




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