Sodium, potassium and serie chloride of healthy Gorilanda heifers raised in Itaguaí (RJ)
Electrolyte, Cattle.Abstract
Thirteen clinically healthy Girolanda heifers with ages ranging from 20 to 45 months old, raised in Rio de Janeiro State were used in this work. Two samples of blood, without anticoagulant, were collected from each animal by jugular vein puncture. The normal values for the electrolytes sodium and potassium (flame photometry) and also for the seric chloride (commercial kits) were determined. The observed normal values were (X± SD and LE in mEq/L): sodium (138 ± 3 and 134 to 149), potassium (4.7 ± 0.3 and 4.0 to 5.3) and chloride (102 ± 7 and 94 to 135). Possibly, the differences among the results of this study and those observed in the cited literature, occurred because of the differences of breeds, sex, ages, feeding, management, environmental characteristics, and / or employed laboratorial methodology.
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