Serological markers for hepatitis a among captive and free-living wild mammals in the State of Pará, Brazil




Amazon, Viral hepatitis, Hepatovirus A., Mastofauna, Serology.


The hepatitis A virus (HAV, Hepatovirus A) in humans has a relevant impact on public health, especially in geographic regions with poor basic sanitation, such as the Brazilian Amazon. Isolates related to hepatoviruses have been described in non human primates, chiropterans, marsupials, rodents, marmots, shrews, and terrestrial hedgehogs. However, the circulation of these viruses in the Amazonian mammal fauna remains unexplored. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of antibodies against this hepatovirus in captive and free-living wild mammals belonging to the orders Didelphimorphia, Primates, Carnivora, and Artiodactyla. Serum samples from 71 animals, from three municipalities in the State of Pará (Belém, Santarém, and Capitão-Poço) were tested for total anti-HAV and anti-HAV IgM through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Total anti-HAV antibodies were detected in 29.5% (21/71) of non-human primates, 8.4% (6/71) of carnivores, and 5.6% (4/71) of didelphos. All tayassuidos 0% (0/2) were seronegative. Anti-HAV IgM antibodies were not detected in any of the samples tested. The highest total anti-HAV seropositivity in the municipalities studied was in Santarém with 54.24% (12/22), followed by Capitão Poço with 50% (15/30), and then Belém with 21.05% (4/19). Among the seropositive animals, animals kept in exposure cages showed 43.9% (18/41), quarantined animals with 60% (9/15), and free-living animals with 26.6% (4/15). The serological results indicated a profile of previous exposure to hepatovirus among these animals. Therefore, additional studies to characterize HAV-related viruses in captive and free living wild animals need to be conducted to better understand the impact of the circulation of this virus on human and animal health.


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Author Biographies

Marcella Katheryne Marques Bernal, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

Student of the Doctoral Course of the Pós-Graduate Program Animal Healt and Production in the Amazon, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, UFRA, Belém, PA, Brazil,

Alex Júnior Souza de Souza, University Paulista

Prof. Dr., University Paulista, UNIP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Heloisa Marceliano Nunes, Evandro Chagas Institute

Research Dra, Hepatology Section, Evandro Chagas Institute, IEC, Belém, PA, Brazil.

Andreza Pinheiro Malheiros, Evandro Chagas Institute

Research Tecnologista M.e., Hepatology Section, Evandro Chagas Institute, IEC, Belém, PA, Brazil.

André Antônio Corrêa das Chagas, Evandro Chagas Institute

Research Tecnologista M.e., Hepatology Section, Evandro Chagas Institute, IEC, Belém, PA, Brazil.

Sara Letícia dos Santos Andrade, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

Veterinary, Federal Rural University of Amazon, UFRA, Belém, PA, Brazil.

Andréa Lima Silva Figueiredo, Instituto Evandro Chagas

Research Technique, Hepatology Section, IEC, Brazil.

Amanda Desirée Assunção Cecim, Evandro Chagas Institute

Student of the Master Course of the Pós-Graduate Program in Virology, IEC, Ananindeua, PA, Brazil.

Washington Luiz Assunção Pereira, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

Prof. Dr., Departament Animal Pathology, UFRA, Belém, PA, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Bernal, M. K. M., Souza, A. J. S. de, Nunes, H. M., Malheiros, A. P., Chagas, A. A. C. das, Andrade, S. L. dos S., … Pereira, W. L. A. (2021). Serological markers for hepatitis a among captive and free-living wild mammals in the State of Pará, Brazil. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 42(3Supl1), 1635–1646.




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