Growth, ion accumulation and yield of tomato plants irrigated with saline water


  • Antonio Lucineudo Oliveira Freire Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Vlaminck Paiva Saraiva Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • José Romilson Paes Miranda Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Genildo Bandeira Bruno Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Salinity, Plant nutrition, Salt tolerance


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. In Paraiba State, the yield is bellow the national average, and the salinity has contributed for this. This work aimed to evaluate the salinity effects in growth, plant nutrition and yield on two tomato cultivars. Santa Adelia and Meia Estaca cultivars were irrigated with saline water (0.4; 1.5; 3.0; 3.5; and 6.0 dS m-1), in a 2x5 factorial design, with 3 replications. Shoots and roots dry matter, the relative growth rate, N, K, Ca, Mg, S, and Na contents in the leaves, and fruits yield were analyzed. The salinity reduced shoot dry matter in Santa Adelia cultivar. Both cultivars had different behaviors related to leaf ion contents. The salinity reduced the fruit yield. Meia Estaca cultivar was more salt tolerant than Santa Adelia cultivar.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Lucineudo Oliveira Freire, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Engenheiro Agrônomo, formado pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Areia-PB, com Mestrado em Fisiologia Vegetal pela UFLA (Lavras-MG) e Doutorado em Produção Vegetal pela UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal-SP.

Professor de Fisiologia vegetal no Curso de Engenharia Florestal da UFCG (Patos-PB), atuando nas áreas de Fisiologia de plantas sob condições adversas de solo, água e luz.

Vlaminck Paiva Saraiva, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, EMATER, Picuí-PB.

José Romilson Paes Miranda, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Pombal-PB.

Genildo Bandeira Bruno, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus II, Areia-PB. (in memorian).



How to Cite

Freire, A. L. O., Saraiva, V. P., Miranda, J. R. P., & Bruno, G. B. (2011). Growth, ion accumulation and yield of tomato plants irrigated with saline water. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 31(4Sup1), 1133–1144.




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