About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal Semina: Ciências Agrárias (Semina: Cien. Agrar.) is a quarterly publication promoting Science and Technology and is associated with the State University of Londrina. It publishes original and review articles, as well as and communications in the field of Agricultural Sciences, Animal Sciences, Food Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

Peer Review Process

The selection process of works to be considered for publication involves an evaluation by the Editorial Committee and reports from ad hoc experts, double blind as described below.

The original manuscripts submitted for evaluation are initially assessed by the Editorial Committee of SEMIN-CIEN. AGRAR.. In this analysis, quality requirements for publication in the journal are evaluated, among which: scope; adherence to the journal’s standards; text quality; theoretical foundation; up-to-date literature; methodology coherence and precision; contribution and relevance of results, discussion about the observed data, figure, and table presentation; originality; and consistency of conclusions.

If the number of works worthy of merit is higher than the capacity of evaluation and publication by Semin: Cien. Agrar., a comparison between the submitted manuscripts is performed. Those found to have greater potential to contribute to the scientific advancement are analyzed by at least two scientific advisors, who are ad hoc experts in the subject area of the manuscript, without author(s) disclosure. The manuscripts that are rejected according to the above criteria are sent back to the authors

Publication Frequency

Bi-monthly publication.

Partial continuation of: Semina (ISSN0101-3742), which was divided into Semina – Ciencias Agrarias; Semina- Ciencias Exatas e Tecnologia; Semina – Ciencias Sociais e Humanas; and Semina – Ciencias Biologicas e Saude.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


International Data Base

Bases de dados Internacional
DOAJ - Directory of Open Acess Journal
Genamics JournalSeek
ISI – Web of Science
SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded
FSTA - Food Science and Tecnhology Abrstracts 
CAS - Chemical Abstracts
Cab Abstracts
BASE (Alemanha)


ACAAP - Directório Luso-Brasileiro -Repositórios e Revistas de Acesso Abert
New Jour - Electronic Journal & Newsletters

Impact Factor

JCR = 0,5  (ISSN 1676-546X)