(Un)sustainable fashion?





Fashion, Sustainability, Environment


Thinking about fashion today requires looking at it from several perspectives, including what relates to environmental issues. One of the issues worth mentioning is certainly the reflection on fashion and sustainability, especially regarding the fact that fashion, in many instances, is seen as frivolous and ephemeral. This article aims to outline a discussion about fashion and sustainability and is divided into three parts, including introduction and closing remarks. We initially present the concept of fashion, then a discussion on the concept of sustainability and, finally, we establish the relationship between fashion and sustainability. In terms of the relationship between environment and society, fashion cannot be considered sustainable because it depends on consumption and pushes on consumption according to the changing of trends. Fashion should be seen as a phenomenon that negatively impacts the environment, but which could have less impactful practices.

Author Biography

Paula Piva Linke, Centro Universitário Metropolitano de Maringá - UEM

PhD in Environmental Sciences earned from the Universidade de São Paulo. Professor in fashion design courses at Centro Universitário Metropolitano de Maringá - UEM


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How to Cite

Linke, P. P. (2021). (Un)sustainable fashion?. Projetica, 12(2), 39–69. https://doi.org/10.5433/2236-2207.2021v12n2p39



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