The Imperator brand: memory and brand building




Affective memory, Symbolic values, Brand image


This paper aims to briefly present the study of the Imperator brand – João Nogueira cultural center, in Rio de Janeiro – regarding aspects that go beyond its visual identity and values. Topics of interest include what the brand represents, how the brand image is perceived and built by visitors, and the brand symbolic value, which is so powerful it is embraced by the northern part of the city. The study of brand recognition and distinction covers the affective memory, the brand history, and the construction of new meanings based on the current cultural status of the brand and the relationship with users. In addition to that, this paper aims to identify qualitative aspects that convey the meaning of the brand, and – beyond the visual sense – to analyze the symbolic relationships through Semiotics.

Author Biography

Vera Zunino Rosa, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing

Master in Creative Economy Management


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How to Cite

Rosa, V. Z. (2018). The Imperator brand: memory and brand building. Projetica, 9(2Supl), 179–196.



Suplemento P&D 2018