The scriptural bank note
banking law, scriptural bank credit noto, business law, bank credit note, bank creditAbstract
The scriptural bank note, due to the needs and demands of the market in 2019, also through a Provisional Measure, MP nº 897/19, inserting art. 29-A to 29-D, §5º to art. 29 and art. 42-A which was converted into Law nº. 13.986/20. It represented the realization of a movement to dematerialize credit instruments. The methodology used was documentary research, analysis of legal documents and scientific articles, and practical-professional experience of the subscriber. Therefore a brief analysis of the historical evolution of the scriptural bank note was and then the study of its legal regime based on this new form of issuance, from the bookkeeping itself through the requirements, institution of guarantees, registration, circulation, payment, protest and the execution. Ultimately, we offer an overview of how this new scriptural bank note should operate in practice, seeking to contribute to clarify the issues arising from this normative framework.
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