CSR as a compliance instrument for work on digital platforms with the UN 2030 Agenda
Agenda 2030; gig economy; digital platforms; social responsibility; decent work.Abstract
The present study, through bibliographic research, analyzed how the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) could serve as a compliance instrument for work on the digital platforms of companies that make up the Gig Economy to make them compatible with the reach of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda, in particular the SDG-8, which seeks the global promotion of “decent work”. Thus, the present research found strong evidence that the extensive use of CSR regulatory instruments, such as "soft law" and "hard law", could serve to exert great economic and social pressure, in order to compel many companies in the Gig Economy to promote “decent work” as a paradigm for all workers who work on their digital platforms, not out of altruistic ideals, but as a primordial condition for the continuity and relevance of their business in the capitalist economy.
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