Violation of objective good faith and its implication in civil liability: a new off-balance sheet damage?
negotiation principles; objective good faith; liability; new damage.Abstract
It is suggested the possibility of recognizing a new non-pecuniary damage arising from the violation of the objective good faith, through contemporary negotiation principles and their implications in civil liability. To do so, it is necessary to research the harm caused by this damage in the material and immaterial sphere, as well as the different interpretations adopted by the legal interpreter on non-pecuniary damages. Based on this, it is possible to arrive at a subdivision of this damage into "new damages", as long as there is a deserving interest of protection. This idea is justified by the contemporary concept of negotiation autonomy, which observes the abandonment of the structural approach in favor of a functional examination. Anchored in the hypothetical-deductive method, it allows investigating this open clause as a legal principle, classifying it as a new damage to be compensated.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Marinho Corrêa, Rita de Cássia Resquetti Tarifa Espolador, Ana Cláudia Corrêa Zuin Mattos do Amaral
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