Analysis of ESG Washing according to the doctrine of negligent distortion in civil liability for an unlawful act
ESG; socio-environmental sustainability; misstatement; negligence; tort law.Abstract
This paper analyzes the responsibility of companies that practice the so-called ESG washing under the tort law because their misstatement negligence, which consists of disclosing false corporate socio-environmental sustainability information to obtain some type of advantage. The objective of this research is to analyze whether the practice of ESG washing constitutes an indemnifiable civil wrong, in the light of civil liability, through the theoretical-analytical methodology. The results obtained were that the practice of ESG washing is illegal and causes damage to consumers and investors who only do business with a certain organization induced by the ESG makeup. It is concluded that companies that practice ESG washing must be held civilly liable to indemnify material and moral damages, individual and collective, caused to consumers and material damages caused to investors.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luciana Cristina de Souza, Roberta Carvalho Carlini, Élcio Nacur Rezende
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