The anticipated usufruct of property by the heir during the judicial inventory: controversial points of the paragraph of article 647 of the civil procedure Code
Interim protection. Judicial inventory. Anticipate usufruct of property. Art. 647 of the Code of Civil Procedure.Abstract
This research aims to analyze the normative formulation of the paragraph of art. 647 of the Code of Civil Procedure, to clarify the main controversial points about the nature of the summary protection provided for therein and its application within the scope of the judicial inventory. A qualitative approach was used as a method, through exploratory analysis of bibliography and judgments of Courts of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice. The research demonstrates the way in which the rules of the material legal order dialogue with the civil process and present the contours of procedural and jurisdictional techniques. At the end, the research analyzes the practical consequences of each of the controversial points, especially regarding the part of the beneficiary heir.
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