"Innocent" frauds as generators of the duty to abstain or compensate: a consumer's law analysis
Innocent Frauds; Duty of Information; Contractual Good Faith; Abuse of Rights.Abstract
The relation between suppliers and consumers inherently carries complex aspects. On one hand, the freedom to offer products and services is encouraged as a natural movement towards economic development; on the other hand, it is necessary to regulate commercial and advertising practices with the aim of protecting consumers from abuses and damages. In this context, the present study aims to answer the problem: Is it possible to have effective consumer protection against bad business practices, including those that are socially accepted, subliminal, and disguised? To find a satisfactory answer to this problem, this study uses exploratory research, an analytical-deductive method, and a bibliographic research technique, based on academic literature, current legislation, and judicial decisions handed down by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice. By analyzing common commercial practices legally referred to as "dolus bonus", it is concluded that a firm Judiciary is necessary for having an effective consumer protection against bad commercial practices, especially those that are subliminal and disguised since, not rarely, suppliers broadcast clearly illegal advertisements, exploiting the thin line that distinguishes legality from illegality to obtain exaggerated advantages, thus unbalancing consumer relations.
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