Consumer relations and the controversies of the principle of the good faith in the paradigm of the Constitution of 1988
Good Faith. Consumer. Company. Free Competition.Abstract
Consumer protection and free competition are guiding principles of the Constitutional Economic Order, provided for in article 170, items IV and V of the 1988 Charter. It follows that if, on the one hand, the company, anchored in free competition, must improve its costs, transparency and competitiveness to provide more favorable conditions for consumers, on the other hand, the consumer, who has the specific legal status that protects him, must act in good faith to seek the tutelage he intends to live up to. In this section, along with the aforementioned principles of economic order, the focus will be on objective good faith, which, although not expressly provided for in the Brazilian Federal Constitution, can be found in the Civil Code and the Consumer Defense Code. From this principle, the relevance of this discussion in the relationship between the company and the consumer will be pointed out: better explaining, the work will be developed with a view to demonstrating that good faith is the guiding principle of the company's conduct, but also the consumer. All this in a necessary comparison with the constitutional paradigm of 1988 that, in fact, brought to its heart the protection of the consumer, without, however, forgetting the protection of the business, guaranteeing the defense of the competition. The research will be bibliographical with data collection in scientific material and analysis of current concrete cases.
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