Exercise of juridical perception of the pre-project of the brazilian code of collective processes
Theory, fact, value, norm, code, collective process.Abstract
The present article reports the results of the use of the Three-Dimensional Theory of Law, idealized by Miguel Reale, as a tool of Juridical Perception applied to the Pre-project of the Brazilian Code of Collective Processes. By applying the tool on the fact, the study observed the evolution of the Collective Protection in Brazil, and highlighted the need for a Brazilian Code of Collective Processes. As far as values are concerned, this paper emphasizes the change of paradigms for the search for transindividual solutions for juridical conflicts, and the view of collective protection as an instrument of access to justice. Finally, as for the norm, the Pre-project of the Brazilian Code of Collective Processes was objectively explained and described. At the same time, its importance for changes in the legal Brazilian management was demonstrated, specially regarding the processes aimed at the protection of transindividual rights.