The social function of business contracts: analysis of the TJRJ jurisprudence from 2014 to 2016
Social function. Business contract. TJRJ.Abstract
This paper reports on the application of the principle
of the social function of the contract to business contracts by the
jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ). The objective was to analyze, in light of the Brazilian legislation
and doctrine on the subject, if the principle has been properly
invoked by the mentioned court. For that, the metodology used
was the analysis of concrete cases judged by the TJRJ from 2014
to 2016 selected in accordance to the Division carried out by
the Research Group on the Social Funcion of the Contract in the
Post Graduation Program in Law of the University of The State
of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), which were classified according to the
use of the principle in their respective reasonings. As a result,
it was found that in only a significant minority of the cases, the
principle of the social function of the business contract was used
with na argumentative function. The conclusion of this work
is that the definition of the scope of the principle of the social
function of the contract and its concret forms of application, and
also with regard specifically to the business contract, still need to
be adequately assimilated by the Judiciary.
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