The power of transnational corporations in globalized economy: real threat to freedom in republican’s doctrine
Transnational corporations. Economic globalization. LibertyAbstract
The paper aims to establish a diagnosis that shows the
influence of transnational corporations in the current scenario of
economic globalization, to elucidate that the absence of regulation
of the performance of these entities can create a real threat to the
freedom of States and their citizens. The choice of theme is justified
by the relevance of the reflexes of the transnational corporations
performance in world economic (dis)order, which reveals the
need for international law to establish guidelines for the decisionmaking of this new global actor and, consequently, uniformity of
treatment in the international scene. The research is based on the
doctrinal revision, whose bibliographic clipping focuses on the
political theory of the discourse on freedom, with emphasis on the
theoretical reference of neo-Roman republicanism, as well on the
area of Public International Law. The results of the present study
demonstrate that, despite the fact that transnational corporations
represent a real threat to the freedom of the states, there has been
progress in the regulation of international commercial practices,
especially through the action of International Organizations,
through the Guidelines for the Multinational Enterprises of the
OECD, the UN Global Compact and the Code of Conduct on
Multinational Enterprises of ECOSOC.
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