Alternatives for sustainable development and conciliation with economic growth: Historical perspectives of influence on liberalism


  • Déborah De Meira Málaque Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL
  • Miguel Etinger de Araujo Junior Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL



Sustainable development. Economic interests. Liberalism. Alternatives.


With the expansion of production methods and the growing speed of product and idea dissemination, society and specifically the market concentrates their attention on consequent economic growth. In this sense, it is important to identify viable alternatives for sustainable development and analyze all the possibilities of conciliation in this context. Moreover, this paper also analyzes the influences of liberalism in the process of isolating the individual in relation to environmental issues, thusly finding it necessary to confront private interests, often dominant in society, as a means to guarantee public interest and protection of the environment. In order to achieve these objectives, this paper utilized the deductive approach, since it starts analyzing general concepts and then later applying it to specific cases. In conclusion, our research indicates a paradigm shift in the concepts of development, demonstrating that effective participation of the State and the citizens are viable alternatives for sustainable development.


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Author Biographies

Déborah De Meira Málaque, Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL

Mestranda em Direito Negocial pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL, advogada, pós graduada em Direito e Processo do Trabalho.

Miguel Etinger de Araujo Junior, Universidade Estadual de Londrina-UEL

Doutor em Direito da Cidade de UERJ, com estágio doutoral PDEE/CAPES na Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Professor de Direito Ambiental e Direito Urbanístico na Graduação em Direito na Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), e de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Programa de Mestrado em Direito Negocial na Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Coordenador da Região Sul do IBDU - Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico e Conselheiro da Comissão de Direito à Cidade da OAB/PR.



How to Cite

Málaque, D. D. M., & Araujo Junior, M. E. de. (2018). Alternatives for sustainable development and conciliation with economic growth: Historical perspectives of influence on liberalism. Scientia Iuris, 22(2), 115–147.


