The ultracycle of contemporary slavery: Analysis of “Workers of Brasil Verde Farm v. Brazil”
Contemporary slavery. Brasil Verde Farm. Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Theory of autopoietic systems. Ultracycle.Abstract
This article aims to carry out a socio-juridical-theoretical analysis of contemporary slave labor. As a hypothesis, it must be understood that, in today's society, which is complex and globalized, the comprehension of slavery must start from considerations that do not belong only to the juridical sphere, and an analysis must be made from the reflexivity between the various social systems involved in the issue, since contemporary slavery is a global and complex occurrence, but now, with communicative processes far superior when compared to that one that once occurred. Specific objectives: i) to make considerations about the theory of autopoietic systems for the analysis of human rights; ii) to compare modern slavery to the present one, in the Brazilian scenario; iii) to detail the illustration of contemporary slavery with the analysis of the case "Farm Workers Brasil Vs. Brazil”, judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; iv) to analyze the presented cases from the theory of autopoietic systems, paying special attention to the reflexivity between the legal, political and economic systems, mainly. Methodology: systemic-constructivist.Downloads
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How to Cite
Fornasier, M. de O., & Tondo, A. L. (2018). The ultracycle of contemporary slavery: Analysis of “Workers of Brasil Verde Farm v. Brazil”. Scientia Iuris, 22(2), 43–84.
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