Tutela coletiva dos interesses e a lei nº 7.913/89: garantia de acesso à justiça
Access to justice, Capital markets, Collective protection, Investor.Abstract
The scope of this research is the analysis of collective protection afforded to investors in the capital market, such as ensuring access to justice. Initially, the paper presents the guarantee of access to justice as a fundamental right and protection of collective interests. Before entering the main discussion, we analyze fundamental issues such as the brazilian securities and exchange commission-cvm and the administrative process. They are then shown the main procedural discussions about the law 7.913/89, which presents a specific action used as a procedural tool in ensuring access to justice for investors, important to strengthen the capital market.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vicentini, F., & Marques Filho, V. de P. (2013). Tutela coletiva dos interesses e a lei nº 7.913/89: garantia de acesso à justiça. Scientia Iuris, 17(1), 107–128. https://doi.org/10.5433/2178-8189.2013v17n1p107