Textual data generated in bibliographic research
definition and representation
Dados científicos, Dados textuais, Pesquisa bibliográfica, Definição conceitual, Teoria do conceitoAbstract
Objective: Textual data produced in bibliographical research consists of inputs for the researcher in analyzing the content of the texts used in these researches. However, it is clear that in practice they are rarely treated and preserved as research data, since they are not even conceptualized as such. To address this problem, the objective is to characterize and define the concept of textual data generated in bibliographic research, aiming to support the recognition and appreciation of this type of data by the scientific community, and, from there, its reuse. Methodology: The methodology adopted is qualitative in nature and, in terms of objectives, it is exploratory. As for technical procedures, it is a bibliographic research and for the exploration and interpretation of bibliographic material, Bardin's Content Analysis is used. As theoretical contributions for the elaboration of definitions, Dahlberg's Concept Theory and the guidelines provided by Seppälä, Ruttenberg and Smith, renowned authors in the field of Formal Ontology, are used. Results: As a result, a proposal is presented to define the concept of textual data generated in bibliographic research, in addition to relevant metadata to characterize it, as part of an initial proposal for a set of basic metadata for the representation of this type of data. Conclusions: It is concluded that the effort to define the concept of textual data generated in bibliographic research is an important step to encourage the reuse and management of this type of data.
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