A biblioteca universitária e a comunidade acadêmica autista
revisão integrativa sobre inclusão
Academic library, Accessibility, Autistic Spectrum DisorderAbstract
Objective: To investigate the current state of studies on the accessibility of the autistic academic community to university libraries, seeking to identify trends and accessible actions that can contribute to the inclusion of these individuals in these spaces.
Methodology: An Integrative Literature Review, using the Portal de Periódicos Capes as a source of information, the descriptors "bibliotecas universitárias", "autistas", "autismo" e "Transtorno de Espectro Autista" were applied. The same terms were searched in English: "Academic libraries", "Autistic people", "Autism" and "Autism spectrum disorders". Eight scientific articles were selected, all from North American researches, due to the lack of studies related to the topic in Brazil.
Results: Of the 8 articles selected, 5 of them were written by recurring authors, highlighted by their significant research in the area of inclusion and university libraries in the United States. Analysis of the studies revealed that there is great inclusive potential in university libraries for the autistic community. One trend observed is the importance of knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorder on the part of library staff. Proper care and understanding the specific needs of these individuals are essential to promoting an accessible and inclusive approach.
Conclusion: This integrative review highlights the need for greater attention to the inclusion of the autistic community in university libraries. Training employees and implementing accessible actions are fundamental steps to ensuring that these spaces are truly integrative for teaching and learning for all members of the academic community.
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