Management and generation of knowledge based on process modeling of technical standards

a systematic review of the literature




Process management, Knowledge, ISO 20000, SLR


Objective: To carry out a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) aiming to answer the research question: “How can process modeling related to an ISO technical standard contribute to the generation and management of knowledge?”. This work seeks to highlight the generation of knowledge from the modeling of ISO standards, and how the transformation of knowledge occurs in this process.
Methodology: Divided into steps, (i) definition of the research question; (ii) elaboration of the search strategy; (iii) definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria; (iv) selection; (v) analysis and synthesis of selected studies. The search took place on three scientific bases, and two secondary research questions were used: “Which ISO standards and process modeling notations were used?
Results: Twelve articles were selected that contribute to the main research question. The most used standard was ISO 9001 and the notations were SPEM (Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel) and BPMN (Business Process Model and Notacion). In response to the main research question, it was possible to elaborate the relationship between process modeling notations, ISO standards and the knowledge generated, as well as a gap in relation to knowledge management related to knowledge transformation.
Conclusions: Through SLR it was possible to identify the generation of knowledge from the modeling of technical standards processes and in relation to knowledge management, this work proposed a flow capable of demonstrating the transformation of knowledge from tacit to explicit and vice versa from the modeling of technical standards.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Carvalho Salvador, Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF

Master's degree from the Engineering and Management Support System Program of the Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brasil.

Simone Vasconcelos Silva, Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF

PhD in Computing from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Professor at the IT Department at the Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Salvador, M. C., & Silva, S. V. (2023). Management and generation of knowledge based on process modeling of technical standards: a systematic review of the literature. Informação & Informação, 28(1), 128–153.