Digital presence of IFPB libraries
mapping, analysis and proposition
Digital presence - libraries, Social media, Public Educational Library – Federal Institute of ParaíbaAbstract
Objective: Digital information is present in all daily activities, and it has been demanded that organizations position themselves digitally, generating engagement and constituting a new dynamic of communication: in a network and without borders. The use of social media has become an essential requirement. The objective was to understand the strategies and practices employed by the public educational libraries of the Federal Institute of Paraíba in digital social media in order to propose solutions in compliance with the contemporary digital dynamics.
Methodology: Analyze the performance of seventeen information units, through bibliographical and documentary research, observing and analyzing existing social media, based on qualitative data: user attraction, information availability, service, personalization, promotion, accessibility and formalization. The mapping made it possible to identify the incipient digital presence of the public educational libraries of the IFPB. In view of this, the investigation began to be conducted using the Science-Action method, establishing guiding principles from the testicular libraries of Campina Grande and Catolé do Rocha. It was applied to the two librarians who manage these units.
Results: An incipient digital presence of IFPB public educational libraries was identified. The level of positioning and digital engagement was low. It was found that there is no institutional policy regulating the management of social media in libraries.
Conclusions: It is recommended to prepare a Handbook of Good Practices in Social Media for Libraries and Librarians, based on the design sprint method, approved by means of an institutional resolution. Future studies, accompanied by practical tests, will be able to attest even more to the validity and effectiveness of the method.
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