Brazilian scientific production in information science on the subject censorship: an approximation
Metric Studies of Information, Bibliometrics, Analysis of scientific production, CensorshipAbstract
Objective: To identify thematic approaches and elucidate how researchers in Information Science approach censorship.Methodology: Exploratory diachronic study about the Brazilian scientific production in Information Science related to the theme Censorship indexed in BRAPCI between 1972 and 2019. Structured in six sections: censorship configurations; methodological path consisting of bibliographic survey for the composition of the corpus submitted to content analysis, statistical treatment; analysis; results and final considerations.
Results: We noticed the relationship of distance between the period of the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship and the increase in scientific production about censorship with THE greater attraction between the subject censorship and the terms: press, repression, dictatorship, music, books, and theater, all located in the chronological space referring to the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship. We also identified the trend of thematic expansion to current contexts related to social and technological issues that converge to technical and labor issues of information professionals; of information flow; of professional ethics; of the social role of Librarianship; of the cognitive and sociological aspects related to censorship.
Conclusions: To provide greater discernment in studies on censorship, it is essential to consider essential aspects that constitute sensory action as the restriction and impediment of conception, access to, and sharing of information so that distinctions can be made between effective censorship and simple restriction.
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