Feminist epistemologies and information science: introductory notes
Feminist Epistemologies, Information Science, Feminist Empiricism, Feminist Point of View, ObjectivismAbstract
Objective: Considering the answers to the central problems referring to feminism in science, this paper aims to show the general topics of discussions in feminist epistemologies to support of the article that will deal with their developments in information science.
Methodology: The study used a bibliographic approach, but was written like an essay. In Part I, the difficulty of thinking feminism as a cohesive current was identified. Therefore, it was necessary to review the basic concepts of the discussion.
Results: The feminist empiricism, feminist point of view, and feminist postmodernism perspectives are ways to respond to the epistemological problems of science. However, they have got limitations, although they are fundamental to think about the relationship between feminism and science.
Conclusions: Feminist epistemologies, as well as for the feminist movement itself, have to fight against relativism, a reinstatement of realism and more powerful objectivism that is perfected by the vision of women is necessary, in addition to reducing the paradigm of the domain of nature and society, and the inclusion of other types of knowledge as important for the beginning of the heuristic process, such as emotion. Based on the related arguments, Part II of this article can be reflected on information science and how research in the field has positioned itself against feminist epistemological premises.
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