Public data Web scraping: method for extraction of data from the public expenditure of the councilors of the city hall of Belo Horizonte




Artificial Intelligence, Chat Bot, Government Data, Open Data, Web Scraping


Objective: Demonstration of the Web Scraping method in Python capable of extracting and transforming the unstructured Parliamentary Costing data from the transparency portal, of the Belo Horizonte City Hall, into structured open data.
Methodology: It is governed by a bibliographic search of Public Data from the Municipality of Belo Horizonte (CMBH), from the point of view of Open Data in the context of LAI and qualitative analysis in the extraction of data via Web Scraping.
Results: Efficacy of the Web Scraping method in data extraction and transformation into structured open data, which allows data sharing, enabling the production of new solutions, the Chat Bot Sumé prototype, presented in this work.
Conclusion: Efficacy of the new method of Web Scraping for data extraction, followed by manipulation to transform them into Open Data as well as presentation of the prototype Chat Bot Sumé.


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Author Biographies

Wendel Vilaça de Assis, Fundação Mineira de Educação e Cultura - FUMEC

Master in information systems and knowledge management by Fundação Mineira de Educação e Cultura - FUMEC

João Victor Boechat Gomide, Fundação Mineira de Educação e Cultura - FUMEC

Doctor in Arts from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais -UFMG


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How to Cite

Assis, W. V. de, & Gomide, J. V. B. (2021). Public data Web scraping: method for extraction of data from the public expenditure of the councilors of the city hall of Belo Horizonte. Informação & Informação, 26(4), 319–341.


