Systematization of information visualization techniques for domain modeling




Information visualization, Information retrieval, Knowledge organization systems.


Introduction: Presents a systematization of visualization techniques applicable to information representation and retrieval tools. It deals with the conceptualization and benefits of using visualizations, in which scenarios it can be applied, in addition to addressing how the use of a visualization influences human perception and cognition.
Objective: It seeks to list and characterize information visualization techniques applicable to systems and software related to the modeling of knowledge domains that are focused on information representation and retrieval.
Methodology: A qualitative approach is used, with an exploratory objective and bibliographic procedure of an applied nature to identify information visualization techniques present in the literature of Information Science and Computer Science and to establish analysis categories in order to systematize these techniques.
Results: In the linear structure category, the techniques Fish-eye and Perspective Wall were allocated. In the second category, we have the techniques Parallel Coordinates and Table Lens classified as Multidimensional Structures. In the category consisting of Hierarchical Structures, the techniques Cone Tree, Treemap and Hyperbolic Tree were classified. The fourth and last category addressed is Network Structures in which the Graph technique consists.
Conclusions: When the treatment, representation and retrieval of information with SOCs are not thought of in conjunction with the forms of graphic representation, it becomes common to find faulty systems that do not present subordination and relationships between concepts in a clear and cohesive way for their user. The information visualization techniques manifest themselves as resources that allow an interactive representation of information, so that there is an improvement in its cognitive process, search and retrieval in a system.

Author Biographies

Tainá Regly, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Master's student in Information Science at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Maria Luiza de Almeida Campos, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

PhD in  Ciência da Informação pelo Instituto Brasileiro em Informação Científica e Tecnológica - IBICT

Linair Campos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

PhD in Informatio Ciência da Informação pelo Instituto Brasileiro em Informação Científica e Tecnológica - IBICT


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How to Cite

Regly, T., Campos, M. L. de A., & Campos, L. (2021). Systematization of information visualization techniques for domain modeling. Informação & Informação, 26(3), 327–351.


