Genre studies to the knowledge organization in archival science field
Genre studies, Domain analysis, Knowledge organization, Archival scienceAbstract
Objective: It aims to verify the state of the art of research on genre studies in Information Science, in the context of archives and archival information, as well as to identify contributions of these studies to Archival Science in the context of the organization and representation of information and archival knowledge.Methodology: Conducts a Systematic Review of Literature in the Web of Science (main collection), Library and Information Science Abstracts, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts and Information Science & Technology Abstracts databases.
Results: The genre studies with focus on the archival documentation are still in the embryonic phase, being treated by the authors as a new perspective to be imposed to the treatment of the information contained in archives, however, without theoretical deepening or establishing methodologies.
Conclusions: It considers that the Rhetorical Genre Studies have the potential to benefit mainly the activities of organization and representation, appraisal, production and use of the archival information. It considers that the genre studies allow a partial view of the domains and the discourse communities of which they are part.
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