Active methodologies and the new perspectives of the cataloguing teaching in the librarianship courses




Pedagogy of activism, Active methodologies, Cataloging teaching, Librarianship teaching, Teaching methodology


Introduction: The traditional model of teaching, developed around the middle of the XIX century in Western Europe is still widely present in the formal places of teaching in the current days. Contemporary society demands new professional skills of the newcomers in the academical courses however. New techniques of teaching are being studied and applied to the daily routine of the classrooms as a consequence, which included are the librarianship courses. The Pedagogy of activism, departing from different techniques from the actvie methodoloies of teaching can allow a new dynamic to the Cataloging teaching, accordingly to the thoughts propposed by this article.
Objective: To promote insights aver new perspectives to the teaching of Cataloging that overcome the traditional model, departing from the Pedagogy of activism and the actives methodologies of teaching.
Methodology: The article has been produced on the basis of a bibliographic review in scientic reports that approach pedagogical practices, active methodology teaching techniques, Librarianship teaching and Cataloging teaching. It estabblishes the main characteristics of the different techniques of the active methodologies of teaching and their relevance to the Librarianship courses, mainly regarding the Cataloging subject.
Results: The bibliographic review allowed me to identify and describe different techniques related to the active methodologies, it also also approaches rewarding experiences of the application of that techniques in the courses of Librarianship, even though those experiences are rare.
Conclusions: The active methodologies of teaching, regarding the proper adaptation and respect to teh context of each institution of education, which can be applied to the Librarianship courses, regarding mainly the Cataloging subject. The challenge that appears is to connect the use of those methodoliges to the teaching of Cataloging, a technical area, but not regardless of theoretical and conceptual questions which are met ion the constant process of evolution, which is expected from all kinds of science.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Leandro Freitas Hübner, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

PhD student in Information Science at the Universidade de São Paulo - USP


José Fernando Modesto da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

PhD in Communication Sciences from the Universidade de São Paulo - USP


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How to Cite

Hübner, M. L. F., & Silva, J. F. M. da. (2020). Active methodologies and the new perspectives of the cataloguing teaching in the librarianship courses. Informação & Informação, 25(3), 52–86.


