Tabli: prototyping of a game application to the thesaurus construction
Representation of information, Thesaurus construction, Information technology, Mobile applications, Gamification, Digital platformsAbstract
Introduction: This research aims to present the use of digital tecnologies and gamification in the subject Documentary Languages (DL), due to the lack of a platform towards the teaching of vocabulary construction in this subject that goes through reality using Education technologies as learning tools. Due to the current characteristics of students with the use of mobile platforms, gamification in educational digital environments makes the process interactive, intuitive and motivating for their methodological strategies.Objective: To propose a digital tool, using a gaming applicative to teach the subject of DL.
Methodology: Uses the "Integrated methodological model for thesaurus construction" (CERVANTES, 2009), Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2011) for the elements of gamification and prototyping (PRESSMAN, 2006) for the construction of the application prototype.
Result: Development of the prototype application named "Tabli" with gamification elements for thesaurus construction.
Conclusion: There is a need to continue the development of the "Tabli" application, which could be useful to the current dynamics of society that demand both alternative and inclusive methodologies through accessibility, to enhance teaching and learning in the thesaurus construction, because it is believed that adding the Cervantes (2009) model to mobile technology brings the advantages of process automation, as well as the motivation and engagement of students, in addition to being an interactive and innovative form of application for the area of Knowledge Organization and Representation.
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