The pragmatic, affective, and symbolic values in the process of conscious mediation of information
Mediation of information, Pragmatic value, Affective value, Symbolic valueAbstract
Introduction: The process of conscious mediation of information is evoked and necessary to ensure the appropriation of information in line with the sociocultural context in which the relationships between subjects, mediators and informational environments are inserted. At this juncture, it is necessary to understand the different values - pragmatic, affective, and symbolic - that permeate the information mediation process, which are reflected in and reflect the constitutive webs of the social webs.
Objective: To discuss, based on the theoretical foundation of information mediation, the pragmatic, affective, and symbolic values that permeate the conscious process of mediation and make it humanizing.
Methodology: This is a descriptive, qualitative research. As to procedures, it is characterized as bibliographic.
Results: When users and the mediator himself understand the mediating action of the latter agent as a conception of life, they favor the development of a conviction of the relevance and social responsibility of their actions.
Conclusions: The research proposes that, in the process of conscious mediation of information, the pragmatic, affective and symbolic values are attributed to the mediating action by both the users and the mediator himself, who relates it to a humanized performance and favors the development of a conviction of the relevance and social responsibility of his actions.
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