Panoramic investigation on the adoption of faceted structures within the view of information architecture




Facets, Fundamental categories, Faceted classification theory, Information architecture, Organization structures


Introduction: Considering the information architecture organization systems, with emphasis onorganizational structures, the adoption of facets in digital environments is discussed, considering facet models, digital supports where the models were adopted, models by scope of action, evolution of digital environments over the years and facets in the light of the fundamental Personality-Matter-Energy-Space-Time categories, stemming from the faceted classification theory of the Indian Ranganathan.
Objective: To present an overview of the use of facets in structuring digital environments.
Methodology: exploratory and bibliographic study, with qualitative data collection from digitalenvironments that use facet models and their characteristics, occurred in 2017 and continued until 2020.
Results: E-commerce websites are the spaces where faceted models are most adopted, with as an inspiration, including some updating their facets in new perspectives over time; the scope of application of factions is concentrated in the business world, starting in 2006 and continuing over time; and personality was the most present among the items of the fundamental categories.
Conclusions: The adoption of facets allows the same object to have different interpretations in a navigational menu, formalizes the multidimensionality idealized by Ranganathan from mnemonics customized to the scope of the digital environment, guides in the construction of multiple and shallow taxonomies and represents a form of classification which has been accentuated over the years, strengthening the inference that websites have taken facet as a way to organize information according to integrated navigation and search structures.

Author Biographies

Márcio Bezerra da Silva, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

PhD in Information Science from the Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA


Zeny Duarte de Miranda, Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA

Post-Doctorate in Information Science in Digital Platforms from the Universidade do Porto -U. Porto


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How to Cite

Silva, M. B. da, & Miranda, Z. D. de. (2020). Panoramic investigation on the adoption of faceted structures within the view of information architecture. Informação & Informação, 25(4), 452–476.


