The Chicago School and the thematic dimension of information
Thematic Treatment of Information, Subject Cataloging. Systematic CatalogAbstract
Introduction: The article proposes the dialogue between a specific work with the American current coming from the Chicago School movement, which influences in the cataloging of widely used subject and debated in the scientific environment until the present day. It is understood that such discussion contributes to the theoretical advance of the area. Objective: To verify, through bibliographic production, how the theoretical characteristics of the thematic dimension of American information influenced or were influenced by the work “The Classified Catalog: Basic Principles and Practices” by Jesse Shera and Margaret Egan of the Chicago School. Methodology: This is a review article, based on exploratory and descriptive research, having as source the bibliographical references that were analyzed from the historical method. In this process, the source is understood as an end product that encompasses intentions, conflicts and power relations, both in terms of authority and its circulation. Results: Describes the process of theoretical grounding in the field of thematic treatment of information focusing on the North American perspective represented by the work and selected authors. It presents the influence of the subject field in the systematic cataloging, showing that this was the main proposal of the analyzed work. Conclusions: It is concluded that the librarian concern of access to information with the focus on the user, current paradigm in Information Science, is strongly related to the Chicago School movement.Downloads
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