The “subject” as element for records classification in the early XX century and its influences on contemporary approaches
Archival Science, Public Archives, Records Classification, Records Classification PlanAbstract
Introduction: Despite the specificities that records have, yet it is seen discussions and practices that agreed with subject-based classification. In this way is possible to reflect about this approach with a sampling that consists in two record classification plans from the early XX century, from public agencies from USA and Mexico and exposing the historical basis from part of the development of this approach in Brazil. Objectives: Firstly, it highlights the relevance of research about the history of Archival Science with an international and comparative approach. After that, it is exposed some discussions about records classification, its purposes and methods, in addition to the analysis the records classification plans and their elements, correlating them to some issues that urged from the contemporary debate of records classification. Methodology: To accomplish those objectives it was did a literature review and a systematization of Brazilian and international literature, adopting an historical gaze upon the time since 1912 until 2018. Results: The results suggests an historical perception about the need to methodological reformulation for develop records classification plans that could properly identify the context of production of records. Conclusion: It was possible to conclude that regardless that perception, the effective diffusion of proper records classification methodologies, including in Brazil, finds an obstacle as exists an historical process not only adherence, but also mainly an institutionalization of subject-based records classification.Downloads
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