Blaise Cronin and Information Science in social perspective
Information Science, Social Science, Epistemology of Information Science, Information Economy, Blaise CroninAbstract
Introduction: Discusses the social side of Information Science, ignoring a reflection on a social influence that is taking place in this field, a perception of Blaise Cronin's perception of information as a creative organizational resource, and the identification of the themes addressed by the researcher throughout career, or allowing us to know the influence of these theoretical assumptions in the scientific field. Objective: The objective of the article is to present to the Brazilian scientific community a reflection on the historical-evolutionary trajectory of the thought and the theoretical contributions of scientist Blaise Cronin and to Information Science. Methodology: Blaise Cronin retrieved by the CAPES Journal Portal used the techniques of bibliographic research and content analysis to study articles. Results: The study presented by Blaise Cronin over 34 years of career, conducts investigations with emphasis on marketing and management, information industry, bibliometrics and scientific communication. Evidence or potential contribution of this scientist to contemporary studies on Politics and Economy of Information, alterations of new research, from his scientific legacy. Conclusions: After a period of twelve months, studying eighty-one scientific articles by Blaise Cronin, concluding or studying studies on the responsibility responsible for him brings to the scientific field in Brazil and to show what Professor Cronin's thinking is contemporary, relevant and certainly for the scientific field, as well as the professional performance of librarians.Downloads
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