Information Architecture: integrative review on Information Science databases




Information architecture, Information science, Data base, Integrative review


Introduction: The advent of digital information and communication technologies has led to the emergence of large amounts of information and little organization. Information architecture emerged in this scenario with the objective of planning, organizing and designing informational environments so that the user finds the information he seeks.
Objective: This research seeks to analyze the presence of information architecture in the scientific literature related to information science, based on the following question: how is information architecture being investigated in scientific articles in the area of Information Science?
Methodology: It is an exploratory research based on the integrative review, and the literature search was performed on the following sources of information: Reference Database of Information Science Journals (BRAPCI), Scopus and Library and Information Sciense Abastracts (LISA), The period covered was 2000 to the first half of 2019. The search strategy was based on the term “information architecture”. From the results, the titles, abstracts, keywords were read and, in some cases, the full texts were read.
Results: Seventy-three articles found on the subject of information architecture were grouped into the following categories: information architecture connected to various areas, information architecture and digital environments, pervasive information architecture, information architecture and information science, users, health area, information architecture and usability, ontologies, metadata. Conclusions: This study allowed the confirmation that the information architecture is interdisciplinary, allowing connections with other areas of knowledge.

Author Biographies

Carin Cunha Rocha, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Master's student in Information Science at the Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Virgínia Bentes Pinto, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

PhD in Sciences de l'Information et de la Co from Université Stendhal-Grenoble

Priscila Barros David, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Post-doctorate in Education from the University of California



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How to Cite

Rocha, C. C., Pinto, V. B., & David, P. B. (2020). Information Architecture: integrative review on Information Science databases. Informação & Informação, 25(2), 49–73.


