Conceptual relationships as essential constituent elements of Knowledge Organization Systems


  • Walter Moreira



Knowledge Organization, Conceptual Relationships, Knowledge Organization Systems


Introduction: In order to carry out the knowledge process, further from the simple perception or contemplation of the object, it is necessary to identify, recognize and establish conceptual relationships. So, this work discusses the concept as an element from which knowledge is built as well as about the relationships that concepts establish among themselves in knowledge organization systems and processes. Objective: This research focuses on analyzing the function of conceptual relationships in the configuration of knowledge organization systems, and on comparing these systems with each other by analyzing the quality of the conceptual relationships that they must present. Methodology: Qualitative and descriptive research with systematization of concepts. Results: Taken as advanced examples of knowledge organization system, ontologies, due to their usual formalization feature, can be used to explain the ontological basis that necessarily underpins any kind of knowledge organization system. There is still a lack, however, of more effective contributions of information science to the understanding of the problem regarding the categorization, classification, and organization of logical-semantic relations between concepts regarding the construction and maintenance of ontological bases for knowledge organization systems. Conclusions: The ontologies renew the interest in the problem concerning the precision in the definition and delimitation of the concepts that constitute, by their relations, the knowledge in the domains. This perspective, however, is not exactly based on the conceptual artifact aspect that characterizes the ontologies, but on its ontic aspect, on the possibility of designing with them knowledge organization systems that express more precise terminology, concepts, and relationships aiming knowledge sharing actions.



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How to Cite

Moreira, W. (2019). Conceptual relationships as essential constituent elements of Knowledge Organization Systems. Informação & Informação, 24(2), 1–30.


