Analytical information architecture for the integration of research and graduate programs data: a case study from Bahia State University
Information Architecture, Decision Support System, Academic IndicatorsAbstract
Introduction: Universities need to monitor their indicators to elaborate stimulus strategies for research and graduate programs. The Bahia State University (UNEB) has similar environment to other universities where there is a dispersion of the data due to the lack of the integration of internal and external systems such as the Lattes Platform and Sucupira Platform systems of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) respectively. The data redundancy, inconsistent and unconsolidated information make it difficult for managers to correlate data for analysis of evaluation indicators. Objective: A proposal of information architecture materialized in analytical solution for integration and visualization of data relevant to the mapping of the scenario of the Research and Graduate Programs of the UNEB. Methodology: For this project the methodology is based on the experimental research and the methodology of case study. Strategies such as the need matrix for the lifting of the information layer and the feedback stage through interviews with the UNEB managers have been added to the stages of preparation of the provisional plan of the subject, as well the search for data sources and creation and development of the System of Decision Support (SAD). Results: A data model with three thematic cubes materialized in panels with visual metaphors in tables and interactive graphics allowing filters and drill queries was obtained. Conclusions: The materialization of an analytical management solution proved to be relevant in the analyzes of the managers who seek to enhance the research indicators of the UNEB. With developed SAD, UNEB managers can now conduct more precise campaigns to stimulate research in regions or departments.Downloads
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