Technology readiness index: a study on positive and negative dimensions in relation to fintechs
Fintech, Financial Technology, Technology Readiness IndexAbstract
Introduction: The new possibilities opened by information technology and introduced by FinTechs, promote, the digital evolution in the banking segment, mainly in digital platforms and mobile applications. Objective: To analyze the technology readiness index among Fintechs users and to verify the positive and negative dimensions of this relationship. Methodology: The research has a descriptive nature with quantitative approach, in which, the tests were applied to FinTechs users via questionnaire to measure the readiness index to the technology. Results: Strictly speaking, it was possible to analyze and confirm the importance of significant items for the formation of the user readiness index in relation to FinTechs. The research also emphasizes that the positive dimensions were superior to the negative ones in this relation. Conclusions: Show that individuals are open and positive about FinTechs, which indicates a high level of readiness, since most are optimistic and innovative. However, regarding the negative dimension, we can conclude that there is still discomfort and insecurity regarding the use of new technologies in the financial segment.Downloads
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