The delineation of an image and audiovisuals research in Information Science: tagging as the fourth dimension




Image research, Audiovisuals research, Image indexing, Audiovisuals indexing, Collaborative/social tagging


Introduction: There are four converging dimensions when delineating an image and audiovisuals research in the field of Information Science and, more particularly, in the context of visual information organization. Objective: To indicate that an images and audiovisuals study is more densely substantiated when the following dimensions are pondered on during the research: the specialty of the Information Science involved, as well as the interface areas or chosen operational field; the nature of the analysis corpus; related social, cultural, economic scenarios, among others, to physical or digital informational environments; the state of the art of the literature. Methodology: Theoretical reflection based on the literature addressing indexing for the representation and the access of the object of study in information environments. Results: The four dimensions have an impact on the variables determination that must be considered in a research concerning visual information and reached results, considering that this information universe is gigantic and full of peculiarities. Regarding the fourth dimension, the articles on collaborative/social tagging that try to determine the cognitive relation of tag attribution (free labelling) during searches, stand out from the rest of the literature on image and audiovisuals in the context of indexing and information search. Conclusion: In the analyzed literature, the three mentioned dimensions are observable. However, the problematization dimension of the characterization of the scenarios lack a bigger exposure.


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Author Biography

Rosa Inês de Novais Cordeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Doctor in Communication and Culture from the Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFRJ. Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF.


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, R. I. de N. (2018). The delineation of an image and audiovisuals research in Information Science: tagging as the fourth dimension. Informação & Informação, 23(1), 06–30.


