Contributions of user studies for information mediation: a look at the theoretical models of Dervin, Savolainen and Wilson
Information mediation, User studies, Model of dervin, Model of Savolainen, Model of WilsonAbstract
Introduction: It addresses the contributions of user studies to information mediation, analyzing the theoretical models of information behavior and search of Dervin, Savolainen and Wilson. Part of the hypothesis that mediation is present in the dynamics of user studies because they deal with social and cultural phenomena. Objective: To verify the contributions of these studies to the mediation of information based on the theoretical models of Dervin, Savolainen and Wilson. Methodology: It chooses as exploratory research methodology, through which it undertakes a bibliographic survey about the three models cited. Results: The theoretical models of Dervin, Savolainen and Wilson bring in their structure and dynamics aspects of the information mediation process. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the theoretical models, it concludes that the user studies contribute to the mediation of the information through the possibilities of understanding the subjects in their social contexts, in the identification of the informational gaps and the barriers that influence the success or failure of the search and use of information, in addition to enabling greater knowledge about how the subjects perceive themselves and recognize their informational needs.Downloads
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