Twitter as information mediation device during election period: an Alagoas election analysis




Political Participation, Information Mediation, Twitter, Computer-mediated Conversation, Social Networking Analysis


Introduction: The relational and collaborative character of the online platforms and social media offer new elements to (re) think a political communication mainly in its media. Objective: To analyze an appropriation of Twitter in its own interactives and conversations as an information mediation device between voters and the main candidates for the state government of Alagoas in the 2014 elections. Methodology: Exploratory research with collection and systematization of data performed in the period from July 1, 2014 to October 5, 2014 through the software of monitoring of social media metrics, BrandCare. The empirical universe of 11,619 messages analyzed according to a combined approach of Social Network Analysis and Computer-mediated Conversation and their geographic, temporal distribution, by categories, as well as their own interactivity and conversation. Results: The messages posted by voters represent 89.03% of the total and candidates provided 10.96%. In total, 8,101 users were identified, of which 31% are women and 69% are men. The most frequent positioning of the users is of adhesion to the campaign and of support to the candidates. The subjects of greater recurrence of the messages are about health, education and fight to end violence. There was no prolongation of the interactions and few reciprocity and persistence. Conclusions: If there is still no dialogue on Twitter is certainly not for lack of interest of the voters, as their mentions to the candidates reveal that they are present in the environment. It remains to be seen why campaigns can not maintain more dialogic profiles to resonate with political participation.

Author Biography

Ronaldo Ferreira de Araujo, UFAL

Doutor em Ciência da Informação (UFMG); Professor Adjunto do Curso de Biblioteconomia (UFAL).


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How to Cite

Araujo, R. F. de. (2017). Twitter as information mediation device during election period: an Alagoas election analysis. Informação & Informação, 22(2), 420–436.


