Analysis of the information management process in the artistic and cultural projects developed by the Cultural Center Piollin
Information Science, Information Management, Non-Governmental Organizations.Abstract
Introduction: Information Science is the theoretical field that studies the mediating action between information and knowledge, dealing the information as an object that has the potential to generate knowledge on the individual and its reality. In this sense, the information can extend to the set of elements that make up a management process in order to order, coordinate and distribute information in a correct, political and social way, and this fact considers the context of the Third Sector Organizations.Objective: This study aimed to analyze the actions that constitute the process of information management adopted in the implementation of artistic workshops developed by the Non-Governmental Organization Cultural Center Piollin.
Methodology: This research was oriented under a qualiquantitativa approach, characterized as an exploratory research, applied and descriptive, besides the use of literature, documentary and field researches for data collection. As data collection instruments semi-structured interviews were used for all public categories, analyzed by the Bardin content analysis (1979).
Results: The results reveal that the absence of a management that considers the information as a strategic and transformer element causes shortages and gaps that can influence the desired result by the workshops, contributing to reduce the benefits they could bring to the students, being the biggest one the use of artistic expressions as a way to educate for citizenship.
Conclusion: It is extremely necessary to Piollin make efforts to increase the information management to a strategic level, being able to block the shortcomings and gaps in terms of information, helping to achieve the objectives as desired by the workshops and the Centre.
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